πŸŽ‡Managing your Community Pool

Boost and better understand your community with these tools, resources, and tips for making the most of your Community Pool

Consider those who stake in your Community Pool as top supporters of your journey as an artist, curator, or collector. Pool Owners – the owner of the ETH address that's the target of a community pool, aka the artist, curator, or collector in question – can use their community pool as a powerful tool for connecting, rewarding, and further understanding their patrons who've signaled support via staking.

As your pool grows with stakers, customize the experiences for you and your pool community by:

  • Diverting rewards to your pool from other marketplaces and protocols such as Manifold

  • Cultivating a sense of community architecture with gated chats, direct-wallet messaging, and actionable marketplace analytics

  • Utilizing your pool as your top social club for airdrops, alpha, and other momentous occasions

And more. In this section, we’ll explore how to take full advantage of what your Community Pool can offer you.

Create your pool

It all starts with your pool. If a pool has not yet been opened for your predominant ETH address, find steps to do so here.

Connect your pool to Manifold

You can send earnings to your community pool from Manifold Contracts using this guide.

Understanding your pool's data

If you have three or more stakers in your pool, use your Bello dashboard to learn more about your community. Learn more using this guide.

Create a gated pool chat

Pool-gate a Telegram for your stakers via Guild using this guide.

Last updated