Create a private chat for your Community Pool

Create a pool-gated chat to connect with your staker

Rare Protocol can be thought of as a tool for connecting with your most meaningful patrons and building an affinity group around your work. For those that stake in your Community Pool, you can now offer these supporters a more exclusive way to connect with you.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to gate a Telegram group for those who have staked in your Community Pool.

This can easily be achieved with the help of, a tool that allows you to set token-gating thresholds for a variety of different platforms – one of them being Telegram, perfect for hosting intimate chat spaces.

Before you get started, setup your account with Telegram, an encrypted messaging app for both desktop and mobile, and make sure it’s on-hand before proceeding.

STEP 1: Create Your Guild

First, head to Click on "Connect Wallet" and connect the wallet that holds your RARE.

Then, hit the "Create Guild" button. This will take you to a menu of options for platforms you can launch Guild on. Select Telegram.

STEP 2: Install Guild Bot in Telegram

Assuming you already have Telegram setup, you’ll need to provide the phone number you’ve registered for it to Guild.

Once you do, you’ll receive a notification in Telegram asking you to approve a “log in on with your Telegram account.” Click confirm to authorize it.

You’ll also need to confirm the log-in on the desktop window where you’re managing Guild as well. Once this is done, your Guild is officially installed on Telegram!

STEP 3: Create a New Group on Telegram with Guild Bot as a member

Click the pen-and-paper symbol in the upper right corner of Telegram to draft a new message. From here, you’ll have the option to create a new Group: this will be the Telegram Group Chat intended for your Community Pool members.

Next, add Guild Bot to your group, either while making the group or afterwards.

Disclaimer!! Make sure you add the right Guild bot! Type guildxyz_bot, and select the correct profile. It should be at the top and look like image below with Guild’s logo.

Avoid adding a profile that’s using Guild’s username. You will know if you added the right Guild Bot if it begins to send you instructions in the group chat. You can also check it’s user profile to confirm its full username.

STEP 4: Add Guild Bot as an Admin

After adding Guild Bot to the chat, it will start messaging you instructions add them as Admin and adjust their settings properly:

  1. Click the Avatar for the group in the top-right corner

  2. Click “Edit” in the top right corner

  3. Click Administrators

  4. Add Admin and select Guild Bot

  5. Adjust all setting as off except for “Invite Users via Link” and “Pin Messages”

STEP 5: Get the Group ID

Now, let's grab your Telegram group's ID. You'll need it to connect your Guild with the Telegram Guild bot.

STEP 6: Create a New Role for your Community Pool in Guild

Head back to Guild and create a new role. You can call it whatever you like, but let's use 'My Pool' for this example.

Input your community pool address (the address at the end of your Pool Detail Page's URL) and set a threshold for the amount of xRARE someone needs to hold to join your chat. You can simplify this and allow any of your stakers to join by making the threshold 1.

Remember, xRARE signifies the percentage of the Pool you own, not a 1:1 ratio with RARE tokens.

STEP 7: Share your new private chat for your Community Pool to join!

Success! Your Community Pool Telegram Chat is ready to go live.

Spread the word to your supporters by sharing the invite link to your Telegram via Guild. This is an important distinction: By sharing the Guild link instead of the Telegram link, Guild will read the wallet addresses of your community members to ensure they’ve actually staked on you before allowing them to join the Telegram chat.

Last updated